Keeping Up With GTO

A Successful December to Remember Giveaway!

Here’s some of our favorite photos from the December to Remember Giveaway last Friday, that MediaBrew Communications had the pleasure of putting on in partnership with Richardson Jewelers Marquette! 

Held at River Rock Lanes and Banquet Center, plenty of door and finalist prizes went out to the crowd, a fantastic meal by Mama Russo’s Homemade Italian Products was enjoyed, and ONE very special grand prize winner claimed their prize!

Congratulations to all our finalists that won! And a huge thank you goes out to Richardson Jewelers Marquette, our premier sponsor, as well as our other prize sponsors.

This awesome December to Remember Giveaway was definitely one to remember! It couldn’t have been done without all of our sponsors, partners, and listeners. You made this possible!

Other sponsors and gifts included:

Lofaros Fresh Market gift basket, Texas Roadhouse Marquette $100 gift card, Marketplace Foods Marquette gift basket, Upper Peninsula Children’s Museum Annual Membership, as well as Jet’s Pizza, Crossroads Restaurant & Lounge, First Bank Marquette, Quality Car Care Center of Marquette, Ojibwa Casinos Marquette, and Dunkin’.

A huge thank you to everyone, and Happy Holidays!

Programming and Contests!