The Hottest Prize Ever Giveaway 2025!

  Enter for your chance to win a personal sauna! The next giveaway is here, and Premium is our premier Hottest Prize Ever Giveaway sponsor! Thanks to Premium, the grand prize winner of our Hottest Prize Ever Giveaway will receive an entire 6′ x 8′ personal sauna hand-built by the incredible builders at Premium. Premium […]

A Successful December to Remember Giveaway!

Here’s some of our favorite photos from the December to Remember Giveaway last Friday, that MediaBrew Communications had the pleasure of putting on in partnership with Richardson Jewelers Marquette!  Held at River Rock Lanes and Banquet Center, plenty of door and finalist prizes went out to the crowd, a fantastic meal by Mama Russo’s Homemade […]

Enter To Win The ‘Hat Trick Of All Giveaways’ Grand Prize!

Marquette, MI – July 30, 2023 – Yes, that’s right! Another very exciting giveaway for our third quarter of the 2023 calendar year! This time, with our grand prize coming from our premier sponsor: RentAll, all the hockey lovers will rejoice for their chance to win! “What is the grand prize?!”, you may ask. Well, take a […]

Love Your Lawn Giveaway 2023


  Love Your Lawn Giveaway 2023 The Love Your Lawn Giveaway is here! We’re giving anyone and everyone a chance to win a brand new John Deere riding mower from our friends at Northland Lawn, Sport, and Equipment in Negaunee. That’s right! The new, shiny green tractor displayed in Tadych’s Marketplace of Marquette could be yours. Wouldn’t it be […]

Jim Maki Wins Grand Prize Of The ‘Household 5K’ Giveaway!

Ticket booth

Marquette, MI– Last night, giveaway finalists from all across the UP came together for the ‘Household 5K’ giveaway party hosted by mediaBrew Communications at River Rock Lanes in collaboration with Household Appliance, Furniture and Mattress Gallery! Walt Lindala and Adam Carpenter expertly emceed the event. We would like to thank you all for coming! Many […]

Win A $5000 Furniture Shopping Spree from Household of Marquette


Marquette, MI – January 20, 2023 – mediaBrew Communications is teaming up with Household Appliance, Furniture & Mattress Gallery AGAIN to bring you another great giveaway!  Register for the Household 5K Giveaway for a chance to win a $5000 shopping spree at Household of Marquette!  Update your living room, get ready for summer grilling, or replace that appliance that’s […]

Enter The December To Remember Giveaway!

December To Remember

Marquette, Mi- October 3rd, 2022 – With the holidays just around the corner, Richardson Jewelers and mediaBrew Communications want to help make your season brighter. Enter the December To Remember Giveaway for an opportunity to win a $5000 Shopping Spree! Richardson Jewelers is the best choice for local and family-owned jewelry that fits your needs […]

Check Out Who Won The Design, Dig & Develop Giveaway Grand Prize!

Marquette, MI – July 7, 2022 – Tonight mediaBrew Communications and Northland Lawn, Sport & Equipment hosted the Design, Dig & Develop Giveaway party!  The party was held at Northland in Negaunee, outside so everyone could enjoy the nice summer weather.  Keep reading to find out who the grand prize winner is! The party welcomed over […]